Monday, May 23, 2011

H Pylori Treatment

The insidiously affective Gram - negative bacterium called H Pylori can cause various damages to stomach including inflammation, gastric ulcers, and ulcers of the bleeding type. The helix shaped bacterium of the microaerophillic type bears the unique capacity of making its way and clinging on to the mucous lining of the stomach.

Ranging from stomach ache down to acid reflux and indigestion its symptoms may be multifariously varied including conditions of dyspepsia, bleeding, vomiting, nausea, belching and so on. Overlooking of the initial symptoms may make way for the development of harmful ulcers and stomach cancer. Thus treatment is a dire necessity so that the infectious conditions caused by Helicobacter Pylori may be eradicated. As the bacteria is linked with the development of ulcers of various kinds, so people afflicted with ulcers of various kinds should be administered a treatment of H Pylori.

Preceded by a due diagnosis, the H Pylori treatment regimen includes the following:

  1. The medication continues over a long period of time, extending beyond a fortnight.   
  2. PPI or proton pump inhibitor is the complex medication used in respect of healing the tissues damaged.
  3. Medicines such as lasoprazole, pantaprazole, rabeprazole, omeprazole and esomeprazole contain Proton Pump Inhibitor.
  4. In order to counter the risk of failure, two of the aforementioned antibiotics are administered as essential part of Helicobacter Pylori treatment.
  5. As per the latest research combination of three such medicines has been found to be most effective.
  6. Irrespective of the combination administered one needs to go through the entire course for the desired cure.
  7. Sometimes PPI is used along with a combination of amoxicillin and clairithromycin.
  8. A successful therapy in children includes a bismuth based medication.
  9. To counter antibiotic resistance among adults bismuth based medication is used including levofloxacin and bismuth subsalicylate.
  10. Lactobacillus or Bifid bacterium a friendly bacterium responsible for the coagulation of yogurt also eradicates H Pylori bacteria.
  11. Certain alcoholic drinks and beverages including coffee should be avoided while the H Pylori medications are being administered. This will reduce the risk of having flushes and skin eruptions. Enough water should be taken to flush the acidic conditions of stomach.

Among the adverse effects of the Helicobacter Pylori treatment toxicity to bismuth is common. Use of herbs and plant extracts to cure H pylori can come up as possible alternatives to H Pylori treatment. After a series of researches conducted turmeric has been found to be most effective in killing the bacteria followed by a number of others including ginger and cumin. Initial treatment by means of the prescribed regimens plays a significant role in curbing H pylori infection and in turn helps arrest malignant conditions.

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